THE Waldorf way
Waldorf Education meets the needs of children as whole human beings, engaging hands, hearts, and heads in appropriate ways at different ages. The Waldorf Curriculum educates the hearts of the children so the head will wake up to its full potential and direct deeds with sound judgment. Waldorf schools honor and protect the wonder of childhood.
They strive to provide a secure and nurturing environment for the child. A consistent philosophy of child development underlies the curriculum. Waldorf pupils develop an internal motivation for learning, thus reaching their full potential as human beings.
Hermanus Waldorf School provides each child with an opportunity to reach his or her potential, regardless of race, gender, religion, or economic background. The Waldorf curriculum aims to develop individuals who, out of themselves, are able to impart meaning to their lives.
We teach in English, providing academic subjects as well as artistic and practical activities. Every boy and girl is equipped to master an instrument, learn specific woodworking skills, knit, crochet, grow vegetables, and learn Eurythmy.
The school is open to all children in the area, thus bringing together different cultural groups and preparing all children for the demands and challenges of a changing society.